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Global Warming - Are We Being Lied To?

Am I the only person concerned about the glaringly obvious inconsistencies regarding the information we are being fed on global temperature changes? Why am I hearing more and more respected climatologists warning us of a potential "Mini-Ice Age" approaching if the cooling trends of the earth's atmosphere don't reverse?

Yet at the exact same time, governments continue to push more and more "draconian" edicts supposedly intended to protect us from our own self inflicted, impending demise brought about by Global Warming?

Did you know that according to many scientists, temperatures around the planet have actually been on a steady decline over the past two years? So then why is it that many media mavens continue to steadily sound the alarm about how humanity is causing the planets temperatures to rise, as world-wide, we are unwittingly "burning down the house?"

For example, were you aware of the fact that Gerd Leipold, the retiring leader of  the organization "Greenpeace" recently admitted to BBC reporter Stephen Sackur on the "Hardtalk" program, that his organization's recent claim that the Arctic Ice will disappear by the year 2030 was "a mistake?"

While Mr. Leipold openly admitted that Greenpeace had released inaccurately alarming information, he still had the arrogant gall to defend their practice of "emotionalizing issues" in order to alter public opinions and bring people around to its way of thinking about issues?

In other words, yes, what we reported to you wasn't true, but it's OK if our intention was to emotionally sway you towards seeing things clearly through our perspective and perceptions. That is an example of some dangerously "Orwellian" strategies of altering public policy indeed.

Did you know that according to leading climatologists, all of this the hysteria about the melting of the polar ice caps has not only been highly exaggerated, but is in fact, utter nonsense and completely incorrect. In fact, since the year 2007, the polar icecaps have actually been expanding and growing, not diminishing and melting.

Scientists all over the planet know for a fact that like everything else in life, the Earth's temperature continues to rise and fall, and the artic ice caps continue to freeze and melt, ebb and flow, as a natural variation of the planet's existence.

In other words, science already knows that there have been many times throughout the existence of our planet, where the average temperature has been much, much hotter than it is currently is now, and that we are actually entering a cooling trend that has many of the top scientists worried about a potential climatic cold spell, potentially leading to another "Ice Age!"

Did you know that Ban Ki-Moon, The Secretary General of the United Nations, in order to prove that his claim that man-made CO2 emissions were completely wiping out the Arctic ice-flow by 100 billion tons per year, decided to orchestrate a media spectacle to demonstrate the destruction, in person.

He schedules a journey to the region to allow the world to see how within 30 short years, the region would be completely "ice free" and the rising seas would swallow up cities all along the coastal regions, from Amsterdam to New York and from Hamburg to New Orleans.

The only problem was, due to frozen solid sea conditions, The Secretary General's ship wasn't able to get any further than 700 miles of their destination, where he intended to present the evidence of melting ice caps. Strangely, the trip took place in the middle of the summer, when the ice naturally does cyclically melt before beginning to freeze again as autumn approaches.

In a little place I like to call "reality," approximately 10 million square kilometers of sea-ice naturally melts each summer, And then, to the wonder and amazement of all who don't understand the seasons, starting in September, the Arctic begins to freeze back up again.

But here's the real kicker. Did you know that the artic ice is actually, currently 500,000 square kilometers greater than it was at this exact same time last year in 2008, which was then 500,000 square kilometers more than it was back in the fall of 2007?

So there actually isn't less ice in the artic, but rather, so much "more" ice, in the region, that The Secretary General Of The United Nations was unable to get to the dangerously "ice free" zone due to the tremendous amount of ice blocking his passage.

Did you know that in a recent major study that was published by the renowned "Journal of Geophysical Research," it was determined that the cause of the temporary warming of the Earth's Tropical regions, from the 1950s till 2007, was 81% directly linked to the Pacific weather phenomenon known as "El Nino," while the remaining 19% of the natural temperature fluctuation was due to increased solar radiation increased by solar eruptions, also known as "sun spots!

According to these Geophysical experts, man-made emissions were not even responsible for "one half one perfect" of the temperature change, which naturally regulated itself without our assistance and eventually sent the temperatures progressively down over the past two years.

As a matter of record, planet Earth has experienced numerous minor and major "ice ages" throughout its existence. Each time, the planet naturally fluctuate itself  back to warmer weather, all without any industrial revolution or a bunch of automobiles driving around and waste exorbitant amounts of fossil fuel to heat things back up again.

Gosh, how did the planet ever manage to survive without our carbon footprints all over the map of global history? So then science proves that the planet naturally swings back and forth between warmer and cooler temperatures all on its own, without our guidance and discipline, but also with it being "all our fault!" Very interesting!

Then perhaps mankind is allowing it's ego to take itself a bit too seriously. While the truth is, we shouldn't judgmentally beat ourselves up for unwittingly devastating and destroying our beloved planet, we also shouldn't be so outrageously cocky and arrogant to assume that "Super-MAN" can arise whenever compelled, and quickly repair and heal all the ills that have been perceived as befalling our wonderful blue, green host.

So perhaps the whole "Cap-and-Trade" policy isn't really so much science based, but rather a part of well orchestrated political agenda, foisted on us by those who believe they know what's best for us, but don't trust our ability to fully understand their good intentions and design? Hmmm … possibly!

Is it really such a stretch that on a carbon based planet, carbon based beings utilize the carbon based fuels naturally found plentifully in their carbon based environment to live their carbon based lives?

Is carbon really, truly such an evil and terrible thing? Aren't you and I basically made up of carbon?

What about CO2? Is it really the catastrophically cancerous contaminant that everyone now seems to accept it to be? Funny if it now is, because all of my years in school taught me that all the plants that we rely on for nutritious food and life giving oxygen, rely upon getting ample supplies of … well, what do you know, "carbon dioxide."

Did you know that University studies have continuously proven time and time again that providing increased CO2 to crops, from oats to barely and from wheat to corn, increase both the livelihood, success and over-all size of the harvest.

So then, all of that evil CO2 actually ensures that we have much more healthy, premium quality food to feed our hungry planet as well as more oxygen rich air to breath!

Wow, why didn't they ever tell us about any of this stuff? It really makes you start to wonder, doesn't it?

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