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Russia Wants Saudi Arabia and Qatar to Stop Supplying Weapons to Syrian Rebels

Russia is hoping that it can pressure Saudi Arabia and Qatar to halt the help that they are sending to Syrian rebels fighting against President Bashar al-Assad. Assad's regime in Syria is Russia's biggest ally in the Middle East and therefore Russia has been shielding Assad as best it can.

Alexei Pushkov, the head of the Russian foreign affairs committee, said that "boats carrying weapons are being dispatched and they are getting financing too because Saudi Arabia and Qatar are paying salaries to members of the Syrian Free Army. Instead of supporting the armed actions of the opposition, we want them to exert a restraining influence."

In the face of growing opposition against Assad, Russia have no stated that they will no longer insist on him staying in power, and just want to see peace return the region. Although the US have just accused Russia of supplying weapons to the Syrians, with the latest shipment being delivered in a boat owned by the billionaire Vladimir Lisin.

The US are looking to forge a careful approach to removing Assad and replacing him with someone that both sides of the conflict find acceptable.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar have announced their support of the Syrian rebels due to the fact that Syria's ally Iran is a Shiite nation, where as they are both ruled by Sunni monarchies.

By. Joao Peixe of

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Joao Peixe

Joao is a writer for More


  • max - 19th May 2013 at 11:34am:
    Russia should be ashamed,they should stop supplying the terrorist Regime and killing innocent civilians. Assad must go,
  • WHAT? - 12th Jun 2012 at 8:03pm:
    'russia has not insisted that Assad stay in power, but that another leader that both sides agree on could replace him' ?

    It is good that Russia is stopping our runaway terrorist US/israeli government from running over yet another country, but 'a leader both sides can agree on'? Would it be fine for another country to come and take out our president? NO. obama is an utter failure but my point is, somebody needs to stop our US military industrial complex. At least Putin is standing up, now, if we can just get our fat, lazy, ignorant citizens to wake up, maybe we can stop this warmonging train wreck, and stop the crime to humanity and the earth of government spraying us with chemtrails - Morgellons.
  • WNDGLP - 12th Jun 2012 at 6:53pm:
    Hmm... Interesting that FUTUREDATABANK*COM is being hit with massive denial requests during this imminent economic collapse while Russia becomes more active in the middle east to distract from the BIGGER picture.

    Putin is no dummy. But the NWO is readying their final assault against freedom in the world with another middle eastern coup using NATO as their blunt force object.
  • Philip Andrews - 11th Jun 2012 at 5:34am:
    This is a peculiar situation. Saudi is arming rebels in Syria to fight Assad. Those same rebels of the al-Qaeda strain are taking over Yemen and causing Saudi no end of headaches. Saudi money going to the Syrian rebels could easily find its way to anti-Saudi forces in Yemen and within the kingdom.

    In effect Saudi is taking a huge gamble that by financing rebels that it cannot control those rebels among which are Juhadists and MB supporters, will focus exclusively against Assad in Syria and not siphon some of their efforts against Saudi itself.

    Iran could easily trump the Saudis and start paying rebels to switch sides and go against their Saudi and Qatari paymasters. Iran is far more adept at this sort of game than Saudi or the Gulf ststes, which is why Assad has remained in power so long. There is no evidence to suggest Assad will go anytime soon, Western disinformation notwithstanding.

    What is clear is that Syria is in a huge and hugely complex mess that could spill over into any of the neighbouring countries esp. Jordan, Lebanon and Israel. It might even affect th situation in Cyprus and Greece should Greece be obliged to leave the euro and thence descend into chaos...

    In between these two is the issue of who owns the East Med gas fields. That could be affected by these deveopments.
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