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Fire at Greek Refinery: Crude Unit Down

More Bad News For Fukushima And Tepco

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) now says the meltdown of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in March 2011 involved all the fuel rods in the affected reactor, causing them to fall to the bottom of the containment vessel.

Eight months after the massive tsunami caused the accident, Tepco said the meltdown had affected only about two-thirds of the rods. Its revised estimate, issued Aug. 6, said Reactor 3's emergency cooling system stopped working six hours earlier than previously believed, and that the meltdown had begun between four and five hours earlier, as well.

The previous report, issued in November 2011, said the cooling system, called HPCI, had shut down at 2:42 a.m. on March 13, 2011. But the new study learned that the cooling system appeared to have lost its cooling function at about 8 p.m. the night before.

The new report also said all the melted fuel rods, not just the previously reported 63 percent, penetrated the reactor's pressure chamber and containment vessel that holds the pressure chamber. They fell to the bottom of the containment vessel and melted nearly 27 inches down into its concrete floor.

Two days after the tsunami struck, at 9:25 a.m. on March 13, 2011, Tepco began using a fire truck to pump water into the No. 3 reactor in an effort to cool it down. Nearly 26 hours later, though, there was a hydrogen explosion in the building housing the reactor, blowing off the top of the structure.
Tepco says these new conclusions on when the accident began and the number of rods involved in the meltdown show that it will now be harder to extract the melted fuel and dispose of it.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg News calculates that Tepco appears likely to miss a deadline to remove a radioactive isotope linked to leukemia from the water stored at the ruined plant. Tepco President Naomi Hirose had promised Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that all the water would be cleaned by March 31, 2015.

When a Bloomberg reporter showed a Tepco spokeswoman the new estimate that more time is needed to rid the water of strontium because of equipment delays and a failed effort to stop radioactive contamination of nearby groundwater, Mayumi Yoshida replied that Tepco would do its best to get the job done on time.

Strontium can enter the food chain by depositing into the bones of fish, and further delays could prolong South Korea's ban on imports of Japanese seafood.

By Andy Tully of

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Andy Tully

Andy Tully is a veteran news reporter who is now the news editor for More


  • R.G. Frano, A.-E.M.T.-4-Paramedic, A.C.L.S., (Ret.) - 8th Aug 2014 at 2:05pm:
    Re: "When a Bloomberg reporter showed a Tepco spokeswoman the new estimate that more time is needed to rid the water of strontium because of equipment delays and a failed effort to stop radioactive contamination of nearby groundwater, Mayumi Yoshida replied that Tepco would do its best to get the job done on time."

    Between 1975-97, it was my honor & profession to serve, as, first, an ‘E.M.T.-Basic-firefighter’…then upgrade to 'A.E.M.T.-4-Paramedic, A.C.L.S.’, with preceptor-responsibilities.

    I ALWAYS had at least one or more civilian or military
    (or both) ‘Nuke-Sites’ in my 'first, due' catchment-area.

    I have watched media-coverage of the Chernobyl, T.M.I., and Fukashima meltdowns...

    I’m also aware of the 3 submarines, (U.S.S. Thresher, Scorpion and the Russian K-129), lost...
    All containing N-reactors AND N.W.M.D.'s!

    That is...REAL N.W.M.D.'s!!
    NOT the imaginary kind which have proven so economically useful to the Bush / Blair ‘governments’!

    …I use the word ‘governments’ with a nearly, N.W.M.D. - level of sarcasm!

    I’m also a survivor of the late, great, (original) 1 World Trade Center, destroyed, in N.Y.C., on 11.Sept.,
    2001 by Islamic_Apostate_Wanna_Bee's.

    There has been MUCH speculation concerning...
    Why did the late Muhammad Atta bypass various nuclear power stations, to attack what, by comparison, was a far less significant target?

    What if Mr. Atta had crashed his car-jacked airliner into a dry docked ‘Trident’ submarine, at U.S.N.-base, New London, CT?

    What if the next plane-jacker-jihadi / pro-lifer-crazy / self-styled ‘knight-errant’, on a fool’s task, chooses to smash his / their way into oblivion via a 'spent-fuel-cooling-pool' kamikaze??

    What happens when the lost submarines, mentioned, above, finally rust completely...
    Exposing their fissile reactor-cores & warheads to enormous water-pressure / salt water / the Atlantic & Pacific sea beds??

    Like that German U-boat, (U-864), sunk in '44, off Norway, spewing metallic-mercury into the Atlantic ocean ever since???

    Unless we can answer these questions...and in a 22 year E.M.S. career I considered myself QUITE fortunate I NEVER responded to any N-disaster...
    Common sense dictates there MUST be an immediate ‘N-Plant / N-weapon’ moratorium!

    There are MILLIONS empty roof-sites, worldwide, just begging for photo-voltaic cells to be emplaced! Such an effort would spur ALL energy - production manufacturers / industry to produce more efficient products / systems, at lower costs, creating employment in the process!

    ALL WITHOUT creating N-waste!!
    ...Some of which stays dangerous for LONGER than 'Cro-Magnon' AND ‘Neanderthal’ hominids, (combined), have existed...
    Aka hundreds of thousands to millions of years!

    Who are these greedy industrialists, (like ’T.E.P.C.O.’), who grow fat & happy while permanently destroying huge land-masses??

    As I type...
    There is a concern that the sarcophagus covering Chernobyl-1 MIGHT experience a radiation-related collapse...
    Causing Chernobyl-2!!
    How will energy providers manage the next N-disaster, when they HAVEN’T managed the three disasters we’ve already had???
  • FaxScienceSlayer - 8th Aug 2014 at 7:43am:
    Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO is the prime contractor on the doubling of capacity of the South Texas Nuke Power Plant in Bay City, Texas....bringing their Homer Simpson level of management to a nuke disaster near you.
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