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Iran Loses Nuclear Device, Sparks GCC Worry

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is concerned over a missing radioactive device from Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor, Saudi-owned Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported on Thursday.

Aside from the security concerns, at the forefront in the GCC's mind is what impact the radioactive device-wherever it may be today-could have on water supplies.

According to the newspaper, the device went missing after the car transporting it was stolen. Thankfully, the vehicle was recovered, but the radioactive nuclear device was not so lucky.

The GCC has contacted the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over the incident-both organizations are concerned that Iran's nuclear program may pollute the waters in the Gulf, Asharq al-Awsat quoted GCC Emergency Management Center chairman, Adnan al-Tamimi, as saying.

Most members of the GCC - which includes Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman - desalinate sea water from the Gulf. If contamination from the device were to reach desalination stations, an already critical situation becomes even more critical.

The missing device is set to lose half of its power after 74 days of inactivity, Tamimi said, noting that it still should be handled with care even after that period.

Speaking to Asharq al-Awsat, the Arab official criticized Iran's low security and safety levels at the Bushehr reactor, adding that the lack of Iranian transparency about its nuclear program adds further concerns and anxiousness for the Arab Gulf states.

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Iran's nuclear program has recently entered the spotlight again after Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election. In March of this year, Trump said in a speech addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee:

"My number-one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran."

If Trump were willing and able to deliver on that promise by tearing up the deal, Iran would once again impact the oil market, dragging down Iran's oil exports from the near-pre-sanctions levels it has almost reached in recent months.

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favor of extending the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) from 1996 through December 31, 2026. The act-adopted long before the most recent international sanctions against Tehran-was aimed at punishing investments in the Iranian energy industry and deterring the country from pursuing the development of nuclear weapons.

Last week's bill to extend the ISA after its expiry next month still needs Senate approval and President Obama's signature to become law.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for

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Tsvetana Paraskova

Tsvetana is a writer for with over a decade of experience writing for news outlets such as iNVEZZ and SeeNews.  More


  • Fake as f... - 9th Dec 2016 at 1:38am:
    This is a yiddish owned site, this small camera for detecting cracks in metal pipes is used everyday thousands of times all over the world. The eretz yids narrating here want to start WW3 over it, God help us !!!!
  • EBB - 28th Nov 2016 at 12:32pm:
    The half life of 74 days would indicate the material in question is Iridium-192. Iridium-192 is commonly used as a gamma ray source in industrial radiography to locate flaws in metal parts.
  • Greg - 28th Nov 2016 at 12:21pm:
    Hillary deleted it with a "cloth or something"!
  • davdi - 28th Nov 2016 at 11:18am:
    Sounds like Iran has broken the agreement again by letting a nuclear device be stolen so it could be used in a terrorist attack. Can someone in the present administration open their minds just a little and see how shammed they were over this deal?
  • Rico - 28th Nov 2016 at 11:09am:
    Great reporting. Hey a couple questions pop to mind. What is device and what is it used for? What radionuclides and quantity are we talking about?
  • John - 28th Nov 2016 at 10:58am:
    I bet it's in the same place that the rest of hillary's emails are.
  • Marine_Core_Soldier - 28th Nov 2016 at 10:42am:
    They are telling them it loses power after 74 days because they don't want them to be able to sell it. Or they could just be stupid. Irridium 192 has a half life if 74 days. It is primarily use in dirty bomb production so I guess the terrorists got it. Good luck using it before getting found since it emits gamma and can be tracked easily.
  • Adam Baum - 28th Nov 2016 at 10:03am:
  • Elere - 28th Nov 2016 at 9:49am:
    I thing Iran is so proud of her security apparatus to an extent of calling "death to America and Israel" as if even fly cannot pass by the Nuclear site without being detected. What a bunch of idiots. This is an indication that even if they are left to make the bomb it could be stone from there. this is a shame to Ayatollahs and the IRCG.
  • Looneytoonsindville - 28th Nov 2016 at 9:44am:
    This radioactive device is likely an Iridium 192 radiography camera. No biggie!
  • tk - 28th Nov 2016 at 9:00am:
    Don't worry we will send Obama after Jan 20th to fix it. He did such a bang up job here.
  • Ashley Robinson - 28th Nov 2016 at 1:27am:
    Why would the reporter inform the thieves that after 74 days this device loses half of it's power? These morons may have kept it for a year or two waiting to put it in the perfect spot (Rome, Israel, Washington, New York, Super Bowl, World Cup, Olympics) at the perfect time.

    Why would you give them this information? Even if you edit the info out of the article now they probably have already read it.

    This was not thought out very well. Hopefully this story is false.

  • Not Disclosed - 27th Nov 2016 at 10:45pm:
    Iridium-192 (symbol 192Ir) is a radioactive isotope of iridium, with a half-life of 73.83 days. ... Iridium-192 is commonly used as a gamma ray source in industrial radiography to locate flaws in metal components. It is also used in radiotherapy as a radiation source, in particular in brachytherapy.
  • X tech - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:46pm:
    It-192 sources are transported all over the US every day with no security. As are cobalt sources which are much stronger with a longer half life. The only reason it would need to be in a nuc facility is for inspection or calibration. I have used them all over the Midwest construction sites for years.
  • doug - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:26pm:
    The sickening damage obama and his worthless cronies have done is beyond neglect its outright intentional sabotage. Hope his tranny wife michael drops dead with him.
  • Patrick - 27th Nov 2016 at 8:32pm:
    "Thankfully, the vehicle was recovered"? Oh yes, thank God the vehicle was recovered. We were all very concerned about the vehicle.

    And then, "...but the radioactive nuclear device was not so lucky". Poor, lost little nuclear device. I was unaware a device could experience misfortune or anything else for that matter, but I guess I'm mistaken.

    By the way, how IS that Iran nuclear dealing going, Mr. B.O.?
  • This Way to the Egress - 27th Nov 2016 at 1:16pm:
    You give circus animal a sharp object to play with, eventually someone is gonna get hurt...
  • call2 - 27th Nov 2016 at 1:07pm:
    GULF? Have you been to school? dont you? Its PERSIAN GULF. Please, Do not change historical names. Thank you.
  • Mike Hambuchen - 27th Nov 2016 at 1:03pm:
    Check with the UBER lost and found department.
  • JustAnotherAnimal - 27th Nov 2016 at 12:37pm:
    Ah......Ir-192. Nice.
  • Uncle Al - 27th Nov 2016 at 12:13pm:
    It's an Ir-192 radiography source, half-life 74 days, 0.31, 0.47, and 0.60 MeV gamma rays, typically 550 - 600 curies out the door. It is immensely dangerous. A year alter you still have 24 curies, 24 g radium equivalent. Anybody handling it outside its shielded containment will die. Lifting the front shield is a death beam.

    How big is the boojum? Typically 2.7 mm diameter by 0.15 mm thick . Drop it anywhere and it's invisible - like in a suicide belt if you are quick about it.
  • realityanvil - 27th Nov 2016 at 11:08am:
    @van pelt:
    I searched as well but failed to see Iridium. Your material sounds much more plausible than the Iranians having any interest in cosmology, other than sporadic attempts to contact the Klingons...
  • YGBSM - 27th Nov 2016 at 11:06am:
    OK, based on the cited half-life, we have an Iridium 192 gamma emitter. This thing is highly radioactive.

    It was being moved from point A to point B in a car.

    And the car was stolen, with the emitter in it.

    And there were NO security guards to keep it safe and secure?

    I'm sorry. I learned, a long time ago, that Iranians ARE NOT THAT STUPID. not the ones who are in charge of those facilities. They do think that everyone else *IS* that stupid, so this is the kind of cover story they'd put out, and expect everyone else to believe it.

    The good news is that the half-life imposes a very limited window of opportunity for them to use the device, for whatever purpose they intend. If I were guessing, I'd say that someone intends to use it for its intended purpose, nondestructive material testing, but they REALLY don't want anyone in the West knowing what they are inspecting, so they REALLY don't want anyone to know about them moving it to wherever. Hence the story about it being "stolen".
  • realityanvil - 27th Nov 2016 at 11:00am:
    I read a few posts, and all seem to miss the point. One doesn't "activate" or "deactivate" radioactive material. Radioactive material has the infamous Half Life about which we all (presumably) had to learn in high school physics. That Half Life is a finite value, and little can be done to alter it. Though boron control rods may be inserted into a radioactive mass to absorb radioactivity in a nuclear reactor, for example, the fuel itself remains radioactive.
    The radioactive element closest in half life to the time span reported above is Cobalt 56 which has a half life of 77 days. Possibly the material was a few days old when reported stolen, which would account for the reduced number of days in the article. Cobalt 56 has little real practical value other than research. Its presence in space is an indicator of a supernova.
    Don't stay awake worrying about this, it's likely that if the material was being transported in a car, it's a small-enough amount to be fairly innocuous to a large population, and will become increasingly so as time passes.
  • Old EE - 27th Nov 2016 at 10:38am:
    Possibly Iridium 192.
  • HangTough - 27th Nov 2016 at 10:28am:
    It is simple:

    Under NO circumstances can islamofascists EVER have a nuclear weapon.

    President O'shiite (born to a shiite father hence by sharia law he is a muslim) has been kissing the islamofascists rear ends from day one. This 'deal' he made will live in infamy.

    The islamofascists will never stop until the world is either 100% there brand of islam or ruled by them entirely subjugating the rest of us. B.O. has made them a super power. Thank God our great country just repudiated all that he stands for.
  • What Me Worry - 27th Nov 2016 at 10:22am:
    Ir - 192 is used for taking x-rays of welds in pipes and in medicine to treat cancer by brachytherapy. They are solid. They will not contaminate water supply. They will cause radiation burns if you are nearby an unsheilded source. If you blow it up its going to stay in chunks. If you want to try and smuggle it, it is going to be very heavy as the container most likely is lead or depleted uranium. Yes they use uranium as a shield for more highly radioactive sources. USA is very prepared for this.
  • cleo48 - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:49am:
    Oh, it'll turn up... in the worst possible location. Both Kerry and Obama will not be available for comment.
  • Joe2 - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:45am:
    Why don't they just say Iridium 192 was stolen? And say how many grams were stolen? The risk is very low.
    Unfortunately this is a click bait story with no details
  • Doug Robinson - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:21am:
    Giveme A Break, I lived and worked with them for 2 years back in the 1970's, as an advisor to the Imperial Iranian Air Force. To answer your question, yes, they are morons. Ever notice the pictures you see on the news of the people in the white uniforms sitting at the controls in a control room of a so called Iranian Nuclear Facility? Ever notice that they are wearing face masks? Stupid.....Control Rooms are "safe" spaces, they don't need the masks. Camel drivers have no place in a modern high-tech world. As we used to say when we watched them try to do technical things, "2000 years of tradition, unhampered by progress".
  • Bruce1369 - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:15am:
    My, how convenient!
    Radioactive materials "stolen" from us! Oh, the horror!

    We weren't responsible for that dirty bomb...
  • Frank Worley - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:08am:
    What exactly is the device? You mention it several times without actually saying what it is...
  • Scotty Gunn - 27th Nov 2016 at 9:00am:
    "Device" -what exactly is a "device"? Set to deactivate after 74 days? What in heck is this thing? Not very specific, are they?
    Thanks Obama for letting Iran go ahead with their program.
  • Juan Martinez - 27th Nov 2016 at 8:49am:
    The device is probably with Hillary 's server.
  • SouthCountryMom - 27th Nov 2016 at 8:28am:
    Sounds like an inside job to me.
  • Questioner - 27th Nov 2016 at 8:08am:
    "Thankfully, the vehicle was recovered, but the radioactive nuclear device was not so lucky." Really? Did somebody actually write that? Unless it was the writer's personal vehicle, I see little to be thankful about.
  • Philabias - 27th Nov 2016 at 7:31am:
    $100 says it was not stolen, it will be used by iranian terrorists very shortly!
  • ChicagoThunder1 - 27th Nov 2016 at 7:26am:
    The creation of plausible deniability they are not morons they think we are.
  • Rex - 27th Nov 2016 at 7:24am:
    One less Hugo on the streets. Thank God.
  • Bucky - 27th Nov 2016 at 7:24am:
    So, what type of peaceful use of nuclear power requires a "device". What does this peaceful "device" do?
  • bill - 27th Nov 2016 at 6:37am:
    Or how about "hey alqaida, we have this thing you could use for a dirty bomb but we can't just give it to you so we can play the game with that idiot Obama. It is parked on a back street in an unlocked car. Hope you are successful". Your friends in Iran.
  • Jersey Prophet - 27th Nov 2016 at 6:18am:
    The bill to renew Iranian sanctions needs President Trump's signature. The Muslim president won't sign his Iran Sellout's evisceration.
  • UrDaddie - 27th Nov 2016 at 6:14am:
    Sounds like an inside job. Probably stolen and sold or given to the revolutionary guard to make a dirty bomb.
  • Michele - 27th Nov 2016 at 6:12am:
    Check with the North Koreans.
  • TroyGale - 27th Nov 2016 at 5:55am:
    I'm sure Obama doesn't have a care in the world, nor does Kerry, because as you know, Global Warming is the most critical problem facing us. Yeah right...
  • UhHuh - 27th Nov 2016 at 4:47am:
    This was no accident. That sucker is headed here to the US, I'd bet 100-1.
  • nbdynprtcular - 27th Nov 2016 at 2:43am:
    Thankfully the vehicle was recovered? I think that is the object of LEAST worry in this case.
  • anthony - 27th Nov 2016 at 2:39am:
    Thankfully the car was found? Really, that is the big relief? Who the hell wrote this story? I don't give a crap about the car, what I care about is apparently the dirty bomb that was sitting in the trunk, now likely in the hands of terrorists, I just hope they use it on their own country, then it would be a win/win for the world. Bet odumbdumb hasn't even heard about this issue, we all know he doesn't like his daily threat brief to have any bad news in it, if he bothers to read it in the first place.
  • Zeeman - 27th Nov 2016 at 1:32am:
  • D D RED - 27th Nov 2016 at 1:26am:
    This very scenario is why Iran can not be trusted. What happens now or in future if that part or one like it coincidently shows up in a U S reservoir or U S territory.

    Iran is the worlds largest backer, advisor, financer and supplier to world wide TERRORISM groups as of Nov. 27, 2016. Most favored, those that oppose the U S interests. Turkey and Iran Have so much to gain in Syria's proxy combatants.
    The Russians and we Americans have so much at stake

    And a G%d D^%N piece of Hot Radioactive Material goes frigging conveniently missing from a frigging stolen car in IRAN.
  • Alex Tafarrodi - 27th Nov 2016 at 1:17am:
    No, the moron is the author of this story, just copying Saudi propaganda and never even bothering to call the Iranians.
  • Mike Van Pelt - 27th Nov 2016 at 12:50am:
    A quick search -- half-life 74 days matches indium 192, "commonly used as a gamma ray source in industrial radiography to locate flaws in metal components" according to Wikipedia.

    Whether that's it nor not, a half-life that short sounds like something used for radiography, not for nuclear devices. It could be a pretty horrible "dirty bomb" component, though.
  • Joe - 26th Nov 2016 at 11:48pm:
    Anyone who believes it was lost in a stolen car should contact me, I have a great price for you on a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, NY.

    The sale proceeds will go towards an independent effort to bomb iran's nuclear facilities and the offices of the mullahs.
  • Ray Davies - 26th Nov 2016 at 10:51pm:
    What exactly is a nuclear device?
  • Giveme A Break - 26th Nov 2016 at 8:27pm:
    Iran put it in a car to be transported??? And the car was stolen??? Seriously... are these guys morons?
  • Joe - 26th Nov 2016 at 8:00pm:
    Did anyone check John Kerrys house ?
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