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Geoengineering: Sun-Reflecting Chemicals to be Sprayed into Air Above New Mexico

Geoengineering has been covered before on It is a radical method to counter climate change which involves manipulating the environment in order to cool the atmosphere on a global scale.

Previously strategies for geoengineering have merely been theorised, yet never implemented, however two engineers at Harvard are finalising the details of a plan to test one form of geoengineering.

As improbable as it sounds, volcanos actually cool down the atmosphere. They release billions of tiny, sun-reflecting particles into the stratosphere which then prevent a small percentage of solar energy from reaching the earth. The two Harvard researchers, David Keith (beneficiary of a multimillion dollar geoengineering research fund from Bill Gates) and James Anderson, will spray thousands of tonnes of sulphate aerosols into the atmosphere above New Mexico in order to replicate this effect.

The chemical will be sprayed from a balloon (it must be an imposingly big balloon to hoist 'thousands of tonnes of sulphate aerosols' into the air) 80,000 feet above Fort Summer. The effects on the atmosphere will then be carefully measured.

The test will not be done on a large enough scale to actually affect climate change, nor will it have any major effects on the immediate environment; at least that is what they believe. A recent article shows that previous human attempts to artificially alter the environment have not met with much success.

By. Charles Kennedy of

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Charles Kennedy

Charles is a writer for More


  • verna - 5th Sep 2013 at 11:23pm:
    All the above statements are very true. I have been researching the Solar Radiation management program as well as the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Program and The Sky Obscuration Program all to do with the spraying of what the Airforce named "Chemtrails".I have taken hundreds of pictures since I woke up and looked up ,starting in 2009. These programs have been going on uch longer than 2009. I figure if you follow the money and who benifts the most you will find those responsible for spraying us with these toxic chemicals. It sure won't be the first time. The makers of "agent orange " The big chemical companies like Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta, pioneer now have their fingers in the pie with our food. The desire for these greedy people that are in with our government and all the alphabet agencys that make decisions based on "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" are vertually trying to play God with our lives and this planet. Such a great evil.
  • Linda M. - 20th Jul 2012 at 5:11pm:
    The two posts before me are indeed 100% correct. This balloon info is just a joke. Many hundreds of thousands have been watching this type of manipulation for years and while we haven't been able to disuade them from poisoning our air, we have been smart enough to share our knowledge with one another so that we can try to protect our health as much as we possibly can. Educated people do not let their children outdoors on spray days. Gardeners are turning to greenhouse shelters over their organic gardens so that their non-GMO plants are not harmed with the "fallout" from the spraying. The same old argument of contrail versus chemtrail - we aren't stupid - we know the difference. There are detailed close-up pictures all over the Internet showing the planes and their signature design patterns. If you are too busy trying to survive and feed and shelter your children, you don't have the time to look up - perhaps. But for the rest of us that do look up, quite often, day and night, we know the real story.
  • Max Mogren - 20th Jul 2012 at 12:08pm:
    News Flash: planes are already spraying crap in the atmosphere on a seemingly global scale. This nonsense about small scale testing with balloons is pure disinfo. Anyone who studies the sky -- even occasionally -- with a critical eye and an open mind will notice chemtrails in their area. Do a little independent research and you'll quickly realize that these programs have already been implemented on a global scale and with zero oversight. Watch the films "What in the world are they spraying?" and "Why in the world are they spraying?" and get on the bandwagon demanding accountability and answers. Thanks. Peace.
  • ZBUNNY - 19th Jul 2012 at 11:22pm:
    Get your heads out of the sand people, the geoengineering is already taking place on a world-wide basis. Thousands of jets are spraying these toxic chemicals above our heads daily, and have been doing so for years, without our consent. Just think, you are having respritory problems because of aluminum chaff, barium oxides, and sulphate aerosols in the air you breathe. Wonder what all those hazy lines are up in the sky? Wonder why the sky is rarely blue.Wonder why the planes are flying in grid patterns that do not match the commercial flight patterns? Hundreds of patents are already on file for the aerosol spray pumps,and the nanoparticles to be released. Watch the big white, unmarked tankers that are flying up there all day long, spraying the chemicals ahead of storms, to dry up the rain. Huge thunderheads full of rain coming in from the Pacific are disaprearing before they hit the Northwestern States. What was always a rainforest is bone dry. Wonder why the weathermen can't get it right? It's because they aren't privy to the fact that these chemicals are inducing the drought, or directing the storms away. Some particles are sprayed to assist the HAARP technology, bounce electronic waves, or help with radar and communication. The fact still reamains, we were not meant to breathe in aluminun or barium. These chemicals are killing crops, too. Soil samples are showing unusually high levels of these chemicals, and they are changing the ph of the soil, and nothing can thrive. Wonder why Monsanto is creating GMO corn seeds that are tolerant of aluminum? This is not normally in out soil in the tested levels. Hundreds of people are spending extra money to have their blood tested to see if these chemicals are present. The results are shocking. Our protests are being heard, and some counties have passed laws banning the spraying of aerosols above their communities. The government still deny any involvement. Did you know that the Chinese had beautiful weather during the Beijing Olympics because of geoengineering? This is true. Just watch, I bet the London Olympics will see sunny skies without rain. I could go on all night. IF you want to say something negative, be my guest. I've been listening to the same lame excuses for years. If you do care, and want to know more. Go ahead and google the word "chemtrails" there are millions of possible links to read on the topic.
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