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Gazprom Announce Possible Natural Gas Pipeline Direct to Britain

The Russian natural gas giant, Gazprom, has revealed that next year it may sign a deal to extend its network of pipelines to reach Britain.

Back in June Alexei Miller, the Chief Executive of Gazprom, mentioned that BP was interested in a joint venture to expand the Nord Stream pipeline so that natural gas could be delivered straight from Russia to Britain.

At the time any progress into the deal was blocked by BP's Russian partners in TNK-BP, who insisted that they could only look for investment opportunities in Russia. Now that TNK-BP has been sold to Rosneft, BP has been released from that obligation and is free once more to investigate the project with Gazprom.

Nord Streams first two phases consist of a pipeline built directly from Russia's Baltic coast to Germany which, once running at full capacity, will transport 55 billion cubic metres of natural gas each year.

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The British phase of the pipeline will probably not be ready until 2018.

Is it possible that Gazprom are keen to expand its pipelines, and supply natural gas to other countries around the EU due to a fear that the US might start to export its incredibly cheap shale gas? Gazprom would benefit greatly if they can try and tie as many countries as possible into long term contracts.

By. James Burgess of

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James Burgess

James Burgess studied Business Management at the University of Nottingham. He has worked in property development, chartered surveying, marketing, law, and accounts. He has also… More


  • Philip - 15th Nov 2012 at 4:47am:
    'due to a fear that the US might start to export its incredibly cheap shale gas'

    While we are as yet uncertain just how cheap or how durable the reserves of shale gas will turn out to be, it will probably be inevitable that we in the UK turn to our Russian neighbour for gas supplies.

    May of us here don't share this automatic US knee jerk 'Cold War' reaction to anything coming out of Russia. Russia is our neighbour, not the US. We have to learn to live with that. Why engage with the US when the US is turning to the AP area? Our future is with Europe and Eurasia once Europe comes to its senses over the euro mess.

    One doesn't hsve to be a 'dyed-in-the-wool-Commie' to see the US slippimg away and Russia beckoning. Siberia is also beckoning as the biggest development project of the 21C and beyond. Russia has it all to exploit. If Russia develops Siberia for transit East Asia to Europe could be 10-14 days, not 35 days through the Arctic or even longer via the southern route.

    Russia played politics with gas in the early 2000s. Now she needs sound investment in the East. She will be less likely to want to antagonise potential Siberia investors by playing with gas supplies. So Russia is increasingly a more interesting prospect as a partner than the US. Imho...
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