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Fleeing Babylon

FEMA camps, increasing earthquakes, government intrusion, warrantless searches, global economic collapse, mandated healthcare, RFID tagging, climate change, solar kill shots, terrorist threats, violent social unrest, court-driven legislation, unprecedented Presidential control, spy cams galore, staggering debt, Congressional circumvention, racial clashes, increased drug-resistant diseases, unbelievable climate extremes, unbridled government coercion, unfair taxation, class disparity, ramped up Earth changes. Whew

People cry out for direction... Where can I go? Where should I move? What country is safe? Tell me! TELL ME!

I should have written this article four years ago, but people would not have listened. Now it is nearly too late.

Increasingly people feel the answer is to flee our Country, move somewhere else, move ANYWHERE else. Before you embark on this likely one-way journey, let me share with you what it might be like.

In the last 12 months, I've read numerous accounts of people suggesting to those who have the means to move to Central America, Canada, Australia, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Mexico, ANYWHERE - besides here. Even before that when people had heard we'd lived in Oz many years, inevitably comments poured in, "I've always wanted to go to Australia!"

It's time for a reality check.

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Editorial Dept



  • murray hobbis - 19th Apr 2012 at 1:01am:
    There is a real problem in the USA that seem to have missed the mark in that at the default and since those who for such a long time had a determination and country pride that if invaded by an enemy they stood up for thier country but today when Obama signed the USA into socialisumm there is no out cry not even one in the news. It seems everyone is asleep or brain washed
  • marc frazer - 12th Apr 2012 at 12:24pm:
    ramblin rose....what's your point?!!...what have you really offered here?.....where's the critical thinking in this essay?....who is the editorial staff?....skip this stuff and stick w/ that which i have always read and respected you for.
  • Brennan Newfield - 12th Apr 2012 at 12:11am:
    It's really shocking how few people have even heard about NDAA 2012 (much less about FEMA camps) One person who I asked about it replied with "I've never heard of that; I don't keep up with that conspiracy theory stuff." People need to get informed about this and spread the word! There's an article that explains the controversial part (about indefinite detention of US citizens) here:
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