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Donald Trump has a Tantrum over Scotland's Offshore Wind Farms

Donald Trump has once again verbally attacked Scotland; this time over its renewable energy plans to build offshore wind farms. He wrote an angry letter to first minister Alex Salmond about the proposed plans to develop an offshore wind farm near the site of his luxury golf resort in Aberdeenshire, threatening to start an international campaign against the country's wind energy plans. "With the reckless installation of these monsters, you will single-handedly have done more damage to Scotland than virtually any event in Scottish history," he dramatically stated.

Obviously the Scottish are not taking much notice of the petulant businessman. Willie Rennie, the Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, said "This letter is a rather desperate attempt by a rich man who is used to getting his own way. But his latest tizzy is embarrassing. Instead of the world laughing at Scotland, Scotland is laughing at Mr Trump."

Niall Stuart, chief executive of Scottish Renewables, asked "Who is Donald Trump to tell Scotland what is good for our economy and our environment? Offshore wind is already attracting billions of pounds of investment and supporting hundreds of jobs across Scotland."

Trump has also threatened to stop further work on his golf resort project until a decision on the wind farm has been made. However to be honest if this is intended as a threat, in as much as Scotland will lose out on tourism from his luxury resort, I don't think it is going to be too effective. The billions that could be made from a wind farm will hold much more allure than yet another golf resort in the highlands.

Salmond said "People will be opposed for a whole variety of reasons but as we mobilise this industry, as we are established as world leaders, tens of thousands of jobs come to this country and as we re-industrialise this nation then, eventually, just about everybody will get on board, even Donald Trump."

By. James Burgess of

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James Burgess

James Burgess studied Business Management at the University of Nottingham. He has worked in property development, chartered surveying, marketing, law, and accounts. He has also… More


  • Lohengrin - 18th Feb 2012 at 9:07pm:
    As an American, I'm embarrassed to have this nouveau-riche douchebag represent America to the rest of the world. From his moronic carnival barker act about President Obama's birth certificate to his pathetic pretense at considering running for President, to his completely imaginary status as a "billionaire" when he is nothing of the sort, Trump is an American clown.

    Please take no mind of him.
  • Jamie - 14th Feb 2012 at 11:16am:
    I'm missing something??

    It seems to me that Donald Trump is trying to SAVE the visual esthetics of Scotland (and his golf course). Simple as that. Yes, DT is a buffoon on many occasions... BUT! He is also a multi-millionaire businessman- which is more than any of us can say...

    Here's my .02 Trump is in it for himself- BUT!! He doesn't want the skyline to be cluttered with 200 foot tall white towering spinning windmills. Take a ride through Eastern Washington or Texas and you'll see what I mean.. I live in WA State, and what was once pristine grasslands, wineries, and beautiful rolling scenery is now 100s of white towers making a whoosh, whoosh, whooossssshhhhhh... noisy!! AND- the crosswinds created by this? My motorcycle was off the road with 70mph sidewinds! Unreal.

    Got your back, DT....
  • Laurel - 11th Feb 2012 at 11:40pm:
    Most of us Americans think Trump is a buffoon. He is new money and it shows in everything he does, from his gaudy New York apartment to his destruction of beautiful tracts of land for yet another golf course. His biggest claim to fame is his horrible hairdo.
  • Lou - 11th Feb 2012 at 4:11pm:
    I'm an American, if some big company wanted to build something unpleasant across the street from me, I would have no chance of stopping it. Trump thinks because he's rich, through his father by-the-way, that he can pout and get his way. If the media would ignore him, he would get bored and be quiet. I think a wind farm would be rather pretty offshore from his resort golf thing...Why doesn't Trump invest in it?
  • Paul - 11th Feb 2012 at 1:43pm:
    This Trump guy is an idiot as he assumes he knows everything and he can do everything.
    Except, I suggest him to think.
    Birtha issue is an another example.
    Please revoke his visa not only for the U.K, but also whole rest of the world.
    He can play at sand pit to play and stay there.

    Pitty you Trump
  • Lori Birdsong-pierce - 11th Feb 2012 at 12:17pm:
    On behalf of Americans who think Trump is an embarrassment to this country and those who believe we belong to a global family and NOT one limited by boundary, citizenship nor language I apologize for this buffoon. Many , MANY of us are trying to regain control of our country.....don't give up on us yet!!
  • blank blank - 11th Feb 2012 at 6:07am:
  • Mel Tisdale - 11th Feb 2012 at 2:54am:
    Donald Trump personifies what a great many in the rest of the world see as the problem with America, namely that it treats the world as its toy to play with and to hell with any who disagree.

    Just look at its attitude to climate change, of which this Trump person's attitude to wind farms is an example, and its refusal to do anything but the absolute minimum. Unless they are Republicans, of course. For them even the minimum is too much. 'Do unto others ...?

    The world is not America's to with what it likes. If Trump had any decency, he would respect Scotland's attempts to do something positive about the problem of climate change. For all his wealth, he is a guest in Scotland. Pity he doesn't have the breeding to behave accordingly. Seeing as climate change, if left to run its course without extremely drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, will result in future generations facing a very bleak future. That means my descendants will be harmed along with the rest and Trump's attitude is a threat to them. That makes it personal.

    Trump should not be welcomed into the U.K.. I suggest that the U.K. authorities revoke his visa and tell him to go and find another sand pit to play in, and take his money with him.
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